The Inflation Reduction Act
IRA Tax Credits offer valuable savings on energy-efficient upgrades. Learn More
We are proud to have received a number of licenses, certifications, and awards in our 40 years of service.
General Electric 1979-1982 national award
Trane distinguished dealer award 1989
Trane superior sales award 1991
Trane 1992 quality dealer sales award
Trane comfort specialist 1999-2000
Trane outstanding performance 1994 extended warranty sales award for highest dollar volume
Trane 2001 territory g2 training achievement award
Trane 2002 Greensboro DSO residential sales leader
Trane 2002 Greensboro DSO volume sales leader
East coast metal distributors—outstanding sales performance of Goodman air conditioning & heating 2003
Trane 2004 Greensboro DSO (District Sales Office) volume sales leader
Trane 2004 DPM Distinguished dealer
Davie County Chamber of Commerce business of the year 2004—for outstanding service and support to the Davie County community
Trane top gun award 2004-2005
Trane 2007 DPM top gun award 2006
2007 DPM Trane 2006 Greensboro DSO volume sales leader
Trane TCS dealer “Committed to Excellence” 2007
Trane top overall sales volume 2008
Trane comfort specialist 10th anniversary 2009- charter member
Trane 2009 top gross sales volume by Charlotte/GSO DSO
Trane light commercial sales leader 2013 Charlotte/Greensboro DSO
Lennox 10 year award- celebrating 10 years as a quality Lennox dealer, 2015
Winston-Salem Journal readers’ choice awards “Best of the Best” 2016
Trane top ten award winner in Charlotte/Greensboro DSO 2011-2016
BBB accredited business 2017
Proud member 2017 Davie County Chamber of Commerce
30 years as a loyal Trane dealer

Financing Options Available
At Webb Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical, we understand how important a functioning HVAC system is for your home. This is why we offer flexible financing options to help you take care of your new HVAC purchase, so you can get back to taking care of what matters most to you.
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Home Service Agreement
A well-maintained HVAC system can save you from having to invest in costly repairs down the road. Learn more about the home service agreement option offered by Webb Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical.
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