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4 Ways To Tell If An Air Conditioning Replacement Is In Your Future
During those long and hot days of summer, having a working air conditioner is practically a prerequisite for entering a home or business. If your air conditioner is just sputtering along, however, you might be concerned about the need to replace your air conditioner soon. There are a few ways you can determine if an air conditioning replacement is in your future, but here are four that you can watch out for this summer:
- Energy bills- For most people, their energy bills rise a little during the summer months because they are using more electricity to power their air conditioner. However, if your bills have been on the rise from summer to summer, you might need an air conditioning replacement soon.
- Moisture Build-up- Air conditioners will all produce a little bit of moisture, but when there is too much, it means that your air conditioner isn’t working properly or efficiently. It can also lead to issues with mold buildup!
- Lack of cold air- When your air conditioner is running, but no cold air is coming out, that’s when most people realize they have a definite problem. Without cold air, your air conditioner is essentially a very large and very expensive fan. If you can’t have this issue repaired or it has happened too frequently in the recent past, you should consider an air conditioning replacement.
- Smells- Air conditioners aren’t just for cold air — they are for “conditioning” the air as well, which usually means giving you nicely cooled, de-humidified air. If you are getting air that smells of burning, smoke or anything other than a neutral smell, you might be in need of an air conditioning replacement.
If these issues sound like ones you can relate to, contact us at Webb Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical today to learn more about air conditioning replacements.